Tuesday 1 March 2011

New Developments in Social Media- Katie

Online Video Continues To Explode

On average we all spend 15 minutes of our day watching Youtube videos and there are over 2 billion Youtube videos watched every 24 hours. As internet speeds increase and mobile networks move from 3G to 4G the amount of online video we all consume is on the up. Video is about to become a lot more social than it is now as well with a whole host of new apps in the pipeline to make it easier for us all to share videos on the go. Producing video used to mean large production crews and expensive equipment but with most smart phones having HD video built in and the ability to upload to the web with the push of a button the game is changing. We see this all over the world at the moment with citizen journalism exploding and it’s important to remember that with the proliferation of video there is nearly nothing that is private any more. With Youtube now the second biggest search engine in the world and the barriers to entry for producing video lower than ever there is now a whole new world of opportunity for individuals and businesses who want to produce video.

Facebook Becoming Ubiquitous

Facebook is not just a website anymore, it’s a platform. Over the coming year this will continue to accelerate and you will be able to access your social graph in all sorts of ways. It will be built in to your phone including your address book and native features. You’ll be checking in to physical venues using Facebook. You’ll get discounted deals from local businesses via Facebook. You’ll be spending money on Facebook and buying goods on Facebook pages. It will be weaved in the fabric of the web and probably in to your own website. You’ll start finding things not by using Google but based on what your friends haves liked and shared. It will become like your online passport. Facebook is the most important shift in the online world that we have seen since the emergence of the internet itself and is here to stay so start using it early and learning the scope and range of things that can be done there. Give it a year or so and Facebook will have well over a billion users so that is not something that can be ignored.

Twitter Marketing!

Jeep Puzzle

A fairly complicated campaign that involved you following a tota of 36 profiles to unlock a puzzle that would lead you to winning the car. A good idea though and made users engage with the brand over time and actually work for their prize.

Case Studies From Twitter Themselves

Best Buy connects with their customers
Etsy share tips and tricks about their products
Airline Jetblue has over a million customers it engages with
Indie brand moxsie builds a loyal following

Singing Tweets

Again a very simple idea from Orange in the UK who asked you to send a tweet with the hashtag singingtweetograms. Once you did they selected some of the best ones and recorded them live and sent them back to you.

Brands On Twitter

Zappos shares the secret behind it’s amazing customer service
Reaching Out To a Wide Audience: A Twitter Case Study
How Whole Food reaches and engages with millions of followers
Twitter Drives Traffic, Sales: A Case Study
Comcast’s Twitter Man
Twitter Case Study of a Commercial Brand

I Spy Levis

We all know that our friends down under like a little fun and this campaign from jeans manufacturer Levis certainly brought that to the table. Users had to follow people around the city via Twitter and once they found them asking them to drop their trousers meant they got to keep a pair for themselves.


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