Wednesday 16 March 2011

Interesting Marketing (consumer decision jourmey)- Sarah

Diesel Kick Ass Campaign:

Diesel Kick Ass Advertising Campaign

Diesel Sneakers are catching up on the Diesel Stupid campaign with “Kick Ass”, an integrated advertising campaign using video, Twittas, print and online media featuring kickable people, and of course a catalogue. “FW1 Sneakers aren’t made for running, like the rest of the sneakers. Because you run when you’re scared. Scared of getting fat, or being late, or that something bad will happen to you. Diesel is different. Diesel is stupid and stupid doesn’t run from anything. Stupid like to kick asses. Believe us. Kicking the ass of someone who deserves it is one of the unspoken pleasures of ife. It just feels so good. Especially when you’re wearing sneakers so stylish and comfortable as the ones you’re about to see. Kindly go and find the pair that’s right for you. And then not-so-kindly go find that ass that’s right for them.”

Diesel Kick Ass

Red Bull University Student Brand Managers:

Insider's Look at Red Bull U

comments       Posted February 6, 2009 by Chris Wilson
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This content is from The Marketing Fresh Peel
Red Bull University Student Brand Managers
Red Bull is a fascinating brand. In less than a decade they were able to go from being a relatively obscure brand in a nonexistent category into a brand that's known and loved world-wide. What's really amazing about that feat is that they have largely discarded the traditional methods of mass marketing, which many think largely contributes to their mass appeal.
In the past, I've referred to some of my own experiences with the brand and how the creation of these experiences provide a means for Red Bull to always be moving and changing what and how they are interact with consumers, but still maintain a consistent image. Rob Walker, in his book Buying In, calls this Red Bull's projectability, or basically the way that they let consumers fill in the blanks about what their brand means.
Red Bull University is one of the many ways that Red Bull puts their brand into consumers hands to let them fill in the gaps. It's a 275+ national student network that are employed at university's across the country to build the Red Bull brand on campus. All of these “student brand managers” are passionate advocates for the brand, always pushing the limits of how they can bring Red Bull experiences to their campus.


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