Monday 21 February 2011

Viral Marketing-Sarah

Viral Marketing is one of the forms of marketing that creates the most buzz both online and offline. Here are a few examples of some of the best viral marketing campaigns that I have seen.

Nike-Touch of Gold
This clip shows the delivery of some Nike Gold football boots to footballer Ronaldinho, who then goes to  demonstrate some incrediable football skills. 23.5 million people have viewed the clip online.

Do The Test-Transport for London
This video is by Transport for London with the aim of making people aware of how easy it is to miss something that you are not expecting. 3.7 million people had viewed the video within 3 months of it going live.

Stolen were finding it difficult to market a website about tax so they decided to stage a stunt. The brand was already sponsored by Nascar racecars and thought that the sponsorship already had their branding so decided that as Nascar fans are fanatical they would stage the attempted theft of a Nascar car. The clip had the websites address in it and enabled the brand to get over $1 million of televison exposure completely free.
Threshers 40% off voucher
In 2006 just before ChristmasThreshers leaked a voucher via the internet that offered 40% off wine and champagne. The voucher was supposedly only meant to be for suppliers and the belief that the brand had made a mistake made it spread faster and faster around the world through email, social networking sites and blogs. The brand pretended to be worried about the offer but really ended up getting huge amounts of advertising and profits.

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