Sunday 20 February 2011

Online Social Media.. Katie

Who did it well?

One of the best examples of interactive content was Tippex, with their youtube takeover that enabled you to control the situation by typing in commands. The video campaign was absolutely stunning and a great example of a brand doing something a little bit different with their social channel sponsorship. The link to Tippex may have been stretched to the limits, but it was an excellent campaign nonetheless.
And the inspirational campaigns don’t stop there. Advertising is no longer about what you can tell your consumers about your product, or even what lifestyle they should aspire for through your product. Advertising is now about what you, the advertiser, can do with your product that will spin and stretch the imagination. It’s what you can do that people will want to share..

Another one more realted to Fashion Brands...
We’ve seen crowdsourcing and voting campaigns done before in the fashion world, often to great effect but fashion site has taken that a step further by allowing their users to decide which designs actually get commissioned and sold on the site. Their new fashion site was previewed late last year and has now gone live to the public. The campaign takes place in a section of the site called ‘Le Lab and the concept is fairly simple. The latest creations are showcased on the site and public votes allow you to see which designs/designers have received the most votes. The designs that gather 2000 votes are sent forward for consideration by Brand Alley, to go through to an actual launch :
At first glance this may appear a little bit gimmicky and there may well be designers who reject this approach. From a customer’s point of view however I think it’s a refreshing approach that allows you to be that little bit more invested in the product or designer before you go through to purchase. In some ways it’s very similar to Dell’s Ideastorm and I like the fact that this is a well-considered campaign in that the site still holds some sway into which designs make it through, as opposed to automatically being commissioned as a result of the votes. It adds that element of kudos and authority – this is fashion after all and Brand Alley still have to consider the way in which their designs and products are perceived.

This website also has a weekly round up of innovative ideas.. the URL is
this weeks there's not a lot that stands out but I think its something we should keep an eye on..

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